6 Key Factors in SEO Ranking and How To Optimize Your Website for Search Engines
A business website's #1 challenge is to get found online! It's not fun when you have little or no traffic to your website. Search Engine Optimization Of course, once found, that brings in a cascade of other challenges, from user-friendliness, ...
From Yellow Book to Modern-Looking, SEO-Friendly Websites
Back in the day of paper telephone directories, businesses used the Yellow pages or YP to advertise and allow customers to find them. They were a great solution for small business advertising. However, as the Internet became more widely used for ...
Get your website noticed on search engines!
If you’ve ever taken a class, watched a webinar, or read a blog about effective marketing then you have DEFINITELY heard of SEO or Search Engine Optimization. If not, picture this: you need to learn something, so you open a search engine (like ...
Why google my business and local SEO should be part of your strategy
When you plan out your marketing communication strategy or look for marketing channels to focus on, you've probably got the big three on your list: Social media Website and SEO Mailing list There may be one area you're missing and it's a big one: ...